
सन्तोषस्त्रिषु कर्तव्यः स्वदारे भोजने धने।
त्रिषु चैव न कर्तव्योऽध्ययने जपदानयोः॥

Santoshastrishu kartavyah swadaare bhojane dhane
Trishu chaiva na kartavyo’dhyayane japadaanayoh

Three things one should be content with – one’s own wife, food and wealth.   Three things one should not be content with – learning, japa (repetition of the names of the Lord) and charity (daana)

विप्रयोर्विप्रवह्न्योश्च दम्पत्योः स्वामिभृत्ययोः।
अन्तरेण न गन्तव्यं हलस्य वृषभस्य च ॥

Viprayorvipravahnyoshcha dampatyoh swaamibhrityayoh
Antarena na gantavyam halasya vrishabhasya cha

One should not go (cross)  between two brahmins, between brahmin and fire, between husband and wife, , master and servant and  plouth and the ox. 

पादाभ्याम् न स्पृशेदग्निं गुरुं ब्राह्मणमेव च।
नैव गां च कुमारीं च न वृद्धं  न शिशुं तथा ॥

Paadaabhyaam na sprishedagnim gurum braahmanameva cha
Naiva gaam cha kumaareem cha na vriddham na shishum tathaa

One should not touch with one’s feet fire, guru, brahmin, cow, kumaari  ( a girl less than twelve years old), an old person or a baby.